Co-Founder & CEO of Genesis Systems LLC, David J. Stuckenberg, to speak at King's College London PhD Conference 2018

King’s College London

Posted: May 1, 2018


Genesis Systems’ Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer, David Stuckenberg, will present an invitational lecture entitled “Water Scarcity: The Most Understated Global Security Threat” at the King’s College PhD Conference, 17 May 2018, located at the Bush House on the Strand Campus in London U.K.

The conference provides an opportunity for PhD students from the war studies and defense studies departments at King’s College London to present current research and exchange ideas, in addition to networking. The keynote addresses will be given by Lord Peter Ricketts, former UK National Security Advisor, and by Dr. Kori Schake, Deputy Director General of the International Institute for Strategic Studies.

In addition to being the Co-Founder and CEO of Genesis Systems, David Stuckenberg is the Founder and Chairman of the American Leadership & Policy Foundation. David is a defense and security subject matter expert and researcher and is completing his PhD in international studies at King’s College London. More than three years of research done by David and Dr. Tony Contento, Scientist at Genesis Systems, is pending publication this summer by the Harvard National Security Journal.

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