Our company was founded to do one thing: Sustainably Solve Water Scarcity. We achieved our goal. We have developed and created a new method of producing renewable water from air that is scalable. Welcome to Genesis Systems.

Our Mission

We believe technological innovation can provide lasting solutions.

In a world being transformed by increasing pressures on natural resources, we believe technological innovation can provide lasting solutions that can revolutionize the way nations sustain growing populations in the face of fresh-water scarcity.

At Genesis Systems®, we have developed a portfolio of patented technologies that can revolutionize several life sustaining commodities. Our products help transform the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of nations, while increasing economic, political and social stability where water is a constraining factor.

We have designed and produced sustainable fresh water systems that are massively scalable — resulting in the greatest utility and environmental benefit possible.

Company Overview

Genesis Systems is a global technology company founded to create sustainable, affordable, and efficient solutions to the international water crisis. Over 1.8 billion people are living in water scarcity. According to the United Nations, by 2050 80% of the world will be water scarce.

Genesis Systems developed and patented new methods of producing renewable water from air, which are used in our products such as WaterCubes®. Genesis Systems’® technology is endorsed by the United States Air Force.  Other accolades include the following:

Genesis Systems WC100 Watercube

2024 CES Innovation Award Honoree in the Smart Homes category

2023 Winner The Water Council BREW 2.0

2023 AWS Clean Energy Accelerator

2022 Pepperdine University’s Most Fundable Company

2022 U.S Start-Up of the Year

DOD Reimagine Energy Challenge & U.S Army X-Tech 2x

2022 People’s Choice Award

2022 Breakout Success STARTUP OF THE YEAR

2022-2020 Best Startup (3x)

2022 Green Tech of the Year- U.S Army

Genesis Systems Logo
Genesis Systems WC100 Watercube

Genesis Systems® technology represents the culmination of years of R&D and is ideal for implementation in challenging environments worldwide. Genesis Systems® technology has use cases in agriculture, energy, tourism, hospitals, emergency response, and municipal water supplies.

From individual water consumption to water service in buildings to industrial and agricultural use, Genesis Systems’® scalable technologies have the potential to save time, money, and lives, while increasing resilience and reach. In summary, Genesis Systems® patented technologies are the only scalable, turn-key, green tech that provides elegant solutions to meet increasingly challenging global water supply shortfalls.

Employment with Genesis

We are currently hiring for multiple positions. Please head over to our employment page to see what positions are available.

Our Leadership

The Genesis Systems® team was formed with the understanding that bold innovation and vision must be informed by wisdom and experience of professionals with a distinguished track record. Our directors and executives come from a cross-section of corporate, finance, academic, government, and military leadership backgrounds providing the company with a balanced composite of distinguished global talent and resources.

Leading Economic Impacts


Industrially scalable technologies able to produce water and optimize its uses.


Economic resilience, self-reliance, and increased stability.


Avoids all copious and complicated water rights issues.

About The Watercube

At Genesis Systems®, we have developed a portfolio of patented technologies that can revolutionize several life sustaining commodities, including being able to produce drinking utility scale water directly from the air.

Generates water from air using far less energy, and at lower operational cost, than competing systems.

Operates in low humidity and low temperature environments where other atmospheric water generation technologies fail.

No pollution, hazardous bi-products, or water rights issues

Off-grid or portable power, fully automated, sustainable

Produce distilled water on demand or 24 hours

Ensures economic resilience, self-reliance, and political and social stability concerning water

Encrypted and IoT enabled, remote monitoring, auto fault detection, built-in auto safeties, auto performance optimization.

Genesis Systems WC100 Watercube

Genesis provides water at the edge: elegant, sustainable, economical, and green water solutions.

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